“I’m not a teacher,” says Norio Kushi, “I’m not someone who knows something you don’t know. Just look for yourself and see what you see.”
Though Norio Kushi says he is not a spiritual teacher, the story of his spiritual awakening is a fascinating one, and his advice in light of that awakening is worth considering. Thankfully lacking in nonduality jargon, this interview with Norio is both entertaining and inspiring. His is a remarkable story of discovery.
Since our interview, Norio has a book out about him: Awake at the Wheel: Norio Kushi’s Highway Adventures and the Unmasking of the Phantom Self
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QUESTION(S) OF THE DAY: What was your favorite quote or lesson from this episode? Please let me know in the comments.
Selected Links and Notes from this Episode
- Norio’s father was Michio Kushi, who popularized the macrobiotic diet in the United States. Norio’s mother, Aveline Kushi, founded the first natural foods store in the U.S. in 1966 in Boston, and was the first person to use the term “organic” in selling produce. [2:57]
- When Norio was five, his mother told him to always trust his feelings as that’s what would guide him through life. [3:53]
- Everything we think we are has been programmed into us. [9:23]
- The difference between feeling and emotion. [11:09]
- Doing EST training. [32:33]
- The recognition that “life is not going to turn out.” [33:23]
- “We’re programmed to life for a future… and this future is a fiction…. [36:53]
- Getting hit by “a cosmic 2 x 4.” [1:08:40]
- The gate beyond the silence. [1:17:30]
- Norio gives his email address and welcomes people to contact him. [1:38:26]
- Norio Kushi on Buddha at the Gas Pump. [1:39:14]
- Demystifyenlightenment.org is Norio Kushi’s website, though it is currently not updated.
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