Books | Spiritual Gear | Films
A collection of my spiritual books and films, along with a few designs for spiritual t-shirts, jewelry, and notebooks. Another source for unique spiritual t-shirts is You Do Not Exist, which bills itself as “a brand for mild nihilists, not-dualists, and extreme solipsists.”
Spiritual Books
My work is based on a simple premise: pointing towards the Real and backing away from the Unreal.

Subtraction: The Simple Math of Enlightenment – the raw, true story of my search for awakening. Subtraction means backing away from untruth in all aspects of your life and thought. This book will save you time and give you ideas for applying this method, and several others, to your spiritual search. Get a signed copy from me for only $13.95, or buy on Amazon.

Hydroglyphics: Reflections on the Sacred – transformative spiritual art using both images and words to reveal the holy in all. When I first saw Phaedra Greenwood’s stunning photographs of water, I immediately wanted to write poems that matched the spaces they evoked. Get a full-color signed copy from me for $17.95, or buy on Amazon.
Spiritual T-Shirts, Notebooks, and Jewelry

“Life is… Poetry in Motion”—my friend and spiritual teacher Bob Fergeson helped me with this design, which you’ll recognize as the logo. Available in a variety of shirt sizes, styles, and colors, proving that spiritual t-shirts can be cool.

“I cannot distinguish myself from the Light” Doré and Rumi—I first saw this Doré image (Paradise, Canto 31) in the movie Fearless with Jeff Bridges. It’s an illustration of the highest heaven in Dante’s The Divine Comedy. The spiral of angels leading to the divine light pairs perfectly with Rumi’s invocation of the Light inside us all. Available in a variety of shirt sizes, styles, and colors.

“Christ in the Desert”—More spiritual t-shirts! Ivan Kramskoi’s 1872 painting Christ in the Desert is paired with a powerful quote on the back and front from the Gospel of Thomas: “If you bring forth what is within you, what you bring forth will save you. If you do not bring forth what is within you, what you do not bring forth will destroy you.” Available in a variety of shirt sizes, styles, and colors.

“I cannot distinguish myself from the Light” Doré and Rumi—The same image as on the t-shirt but on a handy, spiral-bound notebook. 100 pages, 5.5″ by 8.5″ and available in a variety of colors.

A pendant necklace with the Poetry in Motion logo. Available in three colors.
Enlightening Films
Closer Than Close—the film Oscar-winner Bruce Joel Rubin called a “revelation.”
Watch the trailer, Buy or Rent
Traveling Lighter with Paul Hedderman—what’s not to love about Paul Hedderman? Filmed in High-Definition and featuring music by Kirtan chant artist and sacred singer/songwriter David Newman.
Watch the trailer, buy or rent
Mountain High: Touching the Void with Bob Fergeson—the author of The Listening Attention, photographer, and mountaineer.
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Meetings with Remarkable Women—featuring Anima Pundeer and Linda Clair, it’s the film Jac O’Keefee called “beautifully informative.”
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