Filo Sophie King: Awakening to the Unspeakable

Filo Sophie King is one of many unpretentious, extraordinary people doing their part as friends along the path to spiritual awakening.

What you think of as nothing is in truth, everything. Remember it is all only a dream. Realize that what you want is not up to you, and will never be achieved by you, even though it is what you are. See that everything has already happened, and yet nothing has happened. Accept your destiny, whatever it is and however long it takes. Surrender, yet keep going, for love.

Filo Sophie King, from the book Imaginary Conversations with Imaginary People

In this episode, we discuss self inquiry compared to self-remembering, the teachings of Gurdjieff and the Fourth Way, and other topics on spiritual awakening.

Photo by Rob Wicks on Unsplash

Please feel free to leave comments or send an email with the contact form.  I always appreciate hearing your thoughts.

QUESTION(S) OF THE DAY: What was your favorite quote or lesson from this episode? Please let me know in the comments.

Selected Links and Topics from this Episode:

  • The rationale for not charging for spiritual teachings, and Filo’s offering to help anyone who reads his book: “Everybody belongs to everybody.”
  • Filo’s primary teacher was in the Fourth Way tradition, but “the Fourth Way doesn’t take you all the way.”
  • The desire to move away from suffering.
  • What is Self-remembering? Being present, mindfulness. However, “self has to remember itself” is how it’s described in the Gurdjieffian teachings, which splits the self into two. For many years, it was the ego trying to awaken, which is impossible.
  • The personal self is a construction. The Fourth Way teachings stop at the person learning how to be present.
  • The difficulty of moving away from a teaching when it becomes your social structure, it’s like leaving friends and family.
  • The difference between being present and Awakening. Self-remembering has to become Self-realization.
  • “If teachings burn out the ego, they are doing their job.”
  • Using non-dual teachings as spiritual bypass.
  • Self inquiry compared to self-remembering and other thoughts on spiritual awakening.
  • The belief that the mind is not silent. Thoughts arise in silence. Exploring that when you’re waking up and falling asleep and the thoughts are less active.
  • The value of relaxing.
  • How to do self inquiry.
  • Contact – a film with Jodie Foster that’s an analogy of the end of the spiritual search and perhaps the beginning of spiritual awakening….
  • Two book recommendations: The Zen Teachings of Huang Po and I Am That by Nisargadatta Maharaj.
  • Filo Sophie King’s book: Imaginary Conversations with Imaginary People.
  • You’ll find Filo Sophie King on Facebook, and Filo contributes to the Nonduality Living Cafe.
  • Check out my latest t-shirt design: Christ in the Desert
  • Leave a review on Amazon of my book Subtraction: The Simple Math of Enlightenment. We’re now at 150 reviews, and your help will make it 151!

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