Bob Fergeson, author of The Listening Attention and Dark Zen: A Guru on the Bayou, is a spiritual teacher who focuses on the nuts and bolts of spiritual seeking while also conveying with his presence the ineffable message of Reality. Hopefully this Bob Fergeson interview offers a taste of both.
In this episode with Bob Fergeson, we discuss the emotional traumas and “knots” which can block one’s ability to access the Listening Attention. Bob offers tips and techniques for releasing these knots and freeing this blocked energy.
I hope you enjoy this episode and want to give a special thanks to those of you who’ve become monthly sponsors. See the Supporter Options below for more info. on that. Please feel free to leave comments or send an email with the contact form. I always appreciate hearing your thoughts.
If you enjoy the podcast, please join my monthly supporters. Your help is appreciated.
QUESTION(S) OF THE DAY: What was your favorite quote or lesson from this episode? Please let me know in the comments.
Selected Links and Notes from this Episode:
My special request for all listeners to consider supporting the TAT Foundation’s new center. Check out the photos and make a donation on the TAT Homing Ground page.
I credit Joseph Sadony with inspiring me to explore the realm of intuition and giving a taste of the difference between an emotion that is a reaction to a thought, and a thought that is a reaction to a feeling. Every so often, I dust off my copy of Gates of the Mind and get a new clue on my seemingly endless quest to live as an “open gate.” While I can’t do an interview with Josephy Sadony, I’m always curious about those who are familiar with him.
Joseph Sadony in his study
Richard Howlin is a clinical developmental psychologist who specializes in autism who also happens to be a fan of Joseph Sadony. In this episode, we discuss how Dr. Howlin discovered Joseph Sadony, his efforts to help preserve Sadony’s legacy, and what he’s learned from his studies of Sadony.
I hope you enjoy this episode and want to give a special thanks to those of you who’ve become monthly sponsors. See the Supporter Options below for more info. on that. Please feel free to leave comments or send an email. I always appreciate hearing your thoughts.
If you enjoy the podcast, please join my monthly supporters. Your help is appreciated.
QUESTION(S) OF THE DAY: What was your favorite quote or lesson from this episode? Please let me know in the comments.
Selected Links and Notes from this Episode:
My special request for all listeners to consider supporting the TAT Foundation’s new center. Check out the photos and make a donation on the TAT Homing Ground page.
Dr. Howlin’s encounter with a patient with paranormal abilities. [4:15]
The observation that discussion of paranormal activity is more prevalent in England than the U.S. [7:30]
The limits to the causal, mechanistic training of psychology and how reading Josephy Sadony has made Dr. Howlin a better psychologist. [9:45]
Teaching clients to step out of the stream of thoughts via meditation. [13:15]
Distinguishing between a true feeling and a false feeling. [16:30]
Emphasizing the left hemisphere at the expense of the right hemisphere. [19:45]
Sadony’s book The Human Radio which lists all of the premonitions Sadony had and is one of Dr. Howlin’s favorites. It’s available on the Valley of the Pines website. [43:00]
The Valley of the Pines has fallen into disrepair. [45:30]
The tagline on Maury Lee’s website reads ” Sixty-nine year old male, expressing non duality, realization, by the grace of God.” The simplicity, yet depth, of that line is a good summation of Maury Lee.
Maury was recommended to me by Michael Casari, and I found him to be an otherwise quiet soul who became obsessed with finding the truth of his ultimate nature.
I hope you enjoy this episode and want to give a special thanks to those of you who’ve become monthly sponsors. See the Supporter Options below for more info. on that. Please feel free to leave comments or send an email. I always appreciate hearing your thoughts.
Howdie Mickoski is the author of the recently published Falling For Truth: A Spiritual Death And Awakening. Howdie approached me some years ago with a book manuscript comparing the teachings of Richard Rose to alchemy, Native American traditions, ancient Egyptian wisdom, Carlos Castaneda, and the story of his own spiritual path. I couldn’t resist agreeing to publish it.
In this short but fascinating interview, Howdie Mickoski and I touch upon those topics and more. Please note that we recorded this interview on Skype, so there is video available on YouTube if you feel compelled to stare at our talking heads for 45 minutes.
For more of Howdie Mickoski, check out his interview with Iain McNay on Conscious TV.
I hope you enjoy this episode and want to give a special thanks to those of you who’ve become monthly sponsors. See the Supporter Options below for more info. on that. Please feel free to leave comments or send an email. I always appreciate hearing your thoughts.
Jac O’Keeffe has been in the nondual “scene” since 2008, but it would be a mistake to limit her message to nondual teachings. In fact, as she explains in this interview, her teaching has continually evolved over the years. The current focus of Jac O’Keeffe is pointing to what is “deeper than that” in relation to nonduality.
In addition, this episode also explores Jac’s work with the Association for Spiritual Integrity and how that organization hopes to establish a baseline of ethical standards for spiritual teachers.
I hope you enjoy this episode and want to give a special thanks to those of you who’ve become monthly sponsors. See the Supporter Options below for more info. on that. Please feel free to leave comments or send an email. I always appreciate hearing your thoughts.
If you enjoy the podcast, join my monthly supporters. Your help is appreciated.
QUESTION(S) OF THE DAY: What was your favorite quote or lesson from this episode? Please let me know in the comments.
Selected Links and Notes from this Episode:
Just a quick note: TAT’s August Workshop is fast approaching. Beyond Mindfulness: Meditation and the Path Within is August 16-18, 2019 at the Claymont Mansion in West Virginia. Only an hour from the Dulles airport, TAT consistently offers the best spiritual events on the East coast.
For Jac O’Keeffe’s background story, check out her interview on BATGAP, as well as an earlier interview on ConsciousTV [0:35]
How Eastern spiritual teachings don’t quite fit the Western culture. [2:35]
The deeper depth of spiritual exploration. [7:44]
“When the band-aid of identity gets pulled away, we fall deeper than the nondual teachings.” [9:15]
Dzogchen teachings as pointing to what is beyond nonduality. [14:30]